Australian Geographic, Australia’s premier geographic journal, brings you the best of the country from those who know it best. Discover Australia’s rich cultural heritage, its beautiful landscapes, its unique and diverse plants and wildlife, and explore outback towns and the true-blue characters who call them home.
From the Editor
Obsessed with obsession
Australian Geographic
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Big Picture: Braided Beauty • SEPTEMBER – OCTOBER 2024
Geobits: Bite-sized news and events
Snapshot: Catching Votes • It’s been 100 years since compulsory voting was introduced for Australian federal elections.
Tim the Yowie Man: Curse of the Alkimos
Treading Lightly: Revisiting Gippsland splendour • How tourism helped protect the “cradle of the eucalypts”.
Earth View Perspective: Law reform for nature • Conserving Australia’s biodiversity requires a national reckoning.
Need to Know with Dr Karl Kruszelnicki: Indigenous Ice Age exodus
Defining Moments: The nation finally has its own flag • 1954 The Flags Act 1953 becomes law, defining the official Australian flag.
Space: Waves on alien seas
Australia Portrait: The Longest Walk • Lucy Barnard is walking from Argentina to Alaska – the length of the Americas – on an extraordinary journey of endurance and adventure.
A Pioneering Pair • Louisa Atkinson and her mother, Charlotte, were among Australia’s earliest authors, and pioneers in women’s rights.
Your Society
Sense of Place: Cocky Whispering at Coomallo Creek • This patch of remnant bush on the edge of the West Australian wheatbelt is a place loved by one of Australia’s rarest bird species and the man who has studied the site for more than 50 years.
A telescope for a golden age • After a stellar 50 years as one of the country’s major scientific assets, the AAT continues to play a major role in keeping Australian astronomy on the world stage.
Burdened by beauty • Northern Australia’s Gouldian finch survives in huge numbers in cages around the world, but its wild population continues to struggle.
Secluded but not alone • In an era of heightened social isolation, where many of us lead lonely lives, Dangar Island offers the chance to be part of a supportive, connected community.
Wedge-tailed wonder • The chance discovery of an eagle nest leads to an extended vigil observing normally hidden behaviours of one of nature’s supreme winged marvels.
The hardest night • The first Australian ascent of Mt Everest in 1984 is one of the great feats of mountaineering. Climbed by a small team semi-alpine style, with no bottled oxygen, via the Great (Norton) Couloir, it remains unrepeated 40 years later.
The joy of life • As the natural world continues to take a hit from climate change, biodiversity loss and other human-induced changes, the Australian Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year competition reminds us, yet again, of the beauty and inspiration that surrounds us.
The search for Aussie Dinosaurs • Our understanding of where to find ancient life in Australia has been turned on its head by a new appreciation of the country’s geology. Now the world is looking to our vast outback as the latest hotspot to locate fossils.
Sulawesi sensations • There are worlds within worlds and marvels untold waiting to be experienced on Indonesia’s remote islands.
Unique experiences with our trusted travel partners • Unique expeditions and experiences from Australian Geographic and our trusted travel partners
Aus Quiz: Test your wits • How much do you really know about Australia? Test yourself!
Aussie Towns: Mataranka • Hugely popular hot mineral springs in an area of scrubby Gulf Savannah country known as the “never-never” are...